The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Charles B. Wang –
Computer Associates
School No. Two
Kong Phearun is an 11-year-old second grade student at the Charles B. Wang-Computer Associates School Number Two. He was ranked sixth in his class of 45 students at the end of last year. His father is a border guard and his mother is a housewife. O Smach, the village where the school is located, is very close to the border with Thailand.
In Their Own Words. . .
On the new building: | “The new building is pretty, but the old one was ugly.”
On going to school with his sister: | “I have one younger sister. She is in first grade. I like going to school with her because I can still take care of her, even though we are in different grades.”
If I could go anywhere…: | “I would go to Siem Reap because I want to visit Angkor Wat. I once went to Monkul Borei with my family, and I liked that.” [Monkul Borei is a well-known town in Uddar Meanchey province.]
On his future: | “I want to be a border guard like my father because he helps the country and that is important.” |