Pov Pros # 92

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Harris Family School Pov Pros stands in front of a signboard on the school that reads “Donated by David Harris in the name of the Harris Family School.” (October, 2001) Pov Pros is a 13-year-old third grade student at the Harris Family School.  She was ranked first in her […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Harris Family School

Pov Pros stands in front of a signboard on the school that reads
“Donated by David Harris in the name of the Harris Family School.”
(October, 2001)

Pov Pros is a 13-year-old third grade student at the Harris Family School.  She was ranked first in her second grade class at the end of last year.  She has one older sister and two older brothers.  Her siblings have all stopped going to school because they now work as farmers with her parents.  She walks the 500 meters from her house to the school.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I like the new building because it is cool and comfortable to sit during class.  The old building was hot and dusty.  Now the new school building is cool and clean.”


On going to school: “I like to come to school because I want to study and learning makes me happy.  I like all the subjects that we learn.”


On her free time: “I cook, wash the family clothes, and clean my house.  I meet my friends to play with them and my classmates and I gather to clean the classrooms out.”


On her future: “I want to graduate from secondary school, and I want to learn computer and English.  My parents want me to graduate because they say that if I get an education then I can help my family.  My father left school after second grade to get a job, and my mother left school after second grade to get married.  I want to be a garment factory worker because I can send money back to my parents.”


If I could go anywhere…: “I would go to Thailand because my sister is working there.”


If I could do anything…: “I would help orphans because I have seen them and I pity them and want to help.”