The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Nayoro Keiryo School
Hong Srieng is 14 years old. She was ranked ninth out of the 48 students in her third grade class at the Nayoro Keiryo School. (August, 2001)
Hong Srieng is 14 years old. She is in third grade at the Nayoro Keiryo School. She ranked ninth among her 48 classmates at the. She has two sisters and two brothers. Her parents are farmers and live close to the school. She walks to school every day.
In Their Own Words
On the new building: | “The new school is quite comfortable, much more than the old one. In the old school, class was disturbed by rain and wind.”
On school subjects: | “Khmer is easy and mathematics is difficult for me.”
On her hobbies: | “I like to play Lot Kampos.”
[Lot Kampos is a very popular game among children in Cambodia. It involves jumping over a string, which is raised after each successful jump. The string is made of hand-tied rubber bands, however, so the key is to get one’s first foot over the string, and then to push it down with one’s foot to finish the jump at a much lower height.]
On her future: | “I would like to visit America. I think the United States is the most developed country in the world. When I grow up, I want to be a nurse or doctor because I like the uniform they wear when they are on duty.” |