Yun Chrev # 14

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Tokunori Morisaki School No. Two Yun Chrev, a fifth grade student  (Mar, 2001) Yun Chrev is in fifth grade at The Tokunori Morisaki School.  He is 15 years old and his home is 800 meters from the school. In Their Own Words. . .  on the new building: “I […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Tokunori Morisaki

School No. Two

Yun Chrev, a fifth grade student  (Mar, 2001)

Yun Chrev is in fifth grade at The Tokunori Morisaki School.  He is 15 years old and his home is 800 meters from the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on the new building: “I am happy with the new building because it makes me a good student in class and I like to come to school because of it.”


on his family: “My older brother is a fisherman.  He can get 50 or 60 Baht (US$1.10) per day.  He used to come visit my parents and give them money.  My younger sister is 12 and she is have never been to school.  Next year she won’t go to school because she is already an adult and she is shy about going to school.  My youngest sister is 9 and she has never gone to school because of our family’s poverty.  My father left home when I was 10 and I don’t know where he is.  My mother is a farmer.”


on school subjects:  “I like studying Mathematics because if I want to make a business in the future, I will need to calculate.  I don’t like Social Science because when the teacher asks me a question, I don’t know the answer.”


on his hobbies: “I like to read and talk to my friends during y free time.”


on his future: “I want to be a businessman in the future because in business you can make money.”