The Cambodia Rural School Project
The World Mate School
Number Seven
Phi Keuch is a 15-year-old second grade student at the World Mate School Number Seven. At the end of last year, he was ranked third among his 21 classmates. His parents are Tompuon and they live very close to the school.
In Their Own Words. . .
On the new building: | “I am happy to have this new concrete building to study in. Last year, I had class in a dark, old wooden building where we had to sit on the floor.”
On school subjects: | “I can speak Tompuon and Khmer. I want to study Khmer and learn how to read it, because it is interesting to me.”
On his schooling: | “If I pass my exam this year, I will continue to third grade at the Bor Keo complementary school. I will have to bring food to eat during my stay there because the school is 26 km away from my house and I will stay there.”
On his future: | “When I grow up I want to be a teacher because I think it is a good job.” |