The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Yutaka Araki School
Mrs. Nha Tom is a 25-year-old farmer living near the school. She has three children, two of whom are studying at the Yutaka Araki School. Her husband is an employee of the Agriculture Department of Preah Vihear province.
In Their Own Words. . .
On her livelihood: | “I sell cakes and soft drinks outside the school to earn money to support her children.”
On her family: | “One of my sons is in second grade and I also have a daughter in first grade at the Yutaka Araki School.”
On the new building: | “I am happy with the new school and hope that my children will study hard. The new school is very comfortable compared to the old school.”
Message for Mr. Araki: | “Without the new school, my children would face many difficulties in their studies. I would like to express my deep thanks to Mr. Araki for building this new school for my children to study in. I hope that he recovers and has a long and happy life.” |