Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

Seun Vandy

Seun Vandy is 13 years old and is in the eighth grade. She lives in Taney Village, Chuom Songke Commune, Phnom Srouch District, Kompong Spue province.

She is the first child in her family and has two siblings: one brother and one sister.

Her father’s name is Seng Soeun. He is 34 years old and is not part of Seun Vandy’s immediate family anymore because he has another wife. Now that her father has a separate life, he does not live with her family and he never provides for her family either.

Her mother’s name is Chon Vannak. She is 33 years old and she is a cook. She cooks for the people who work on the farm and earns $75 per month. All of the family responsibilities fall onto her because she is the only caretaker of the family.

Vandy’s family has their own farmland, which is about two hectares. They use this land to produce about 1800kg to 2000kg of rice per year.

Every day, Vandy helps her mom prepare the house before she walks to school. After school, she has to cook for everyone in the family because her mother is busy with work. She also takes care of the cows by feeding them and attending to them.

In her free time, she likes to talk with friends. Her favorite color is green and she loves dogs.

In the future, she wants to be an English teacher because she wants to teach the kids in her village to speak, write, and read English.

Updated: Jan. 2020