The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Fumiko Oshima School
The inauguration ceremony on Sunday 16th March 2003
Mr. Kazumasa Saito, the donor of school # 10, cut the ribbon at the
inauguration ceremony held on Sunday 16th March 2003
Mrs. Junko Saito cut the ribbon to put the 3-room concrete building
into use at the inauguration ceremony on Sunday 16th March, 2003
Mrs. Janko Saito gave volleyballs to the school principle, Mr. Muon Mao
as Meng Dy, a rural school project officer looks on.
Ms. Arisa Saito and Ms. Asumi Saito carry note books in preparation
to distribute to children in the classroom.
Mrs. Junko Saito enjoy with children written the notebook she had given.
The Fumiko Oshima Family posed for a picture at the opening
ceremony held on Sunday 16th March 2003.
From the left: Mr. Kazumasa Saito, Mrs Junko Saito, Ms. Asumi Saito and Ms. Arisa Saito