Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

(August, 2001)

Number of School: 79
Name of School: The Rachel Trout and Emma Tate School
Name of Donor: Peter and Dorothy Rinaldo
Location of School
Province: Svay Rieng
District: Romeas Hek
Commune: Wat Muk Da
Village: Wat Muk Da
Status: Complete
Start of construction: June 16, 2000
End of construction: September 22, 2000
District Population: 122,196
Student Body: 516
Teaching Staff: 7
Classrooms: 5
Average students per class: 48
Distance from Phnom Penh: 141 km
Travel Time: 5:00(wet season), 3:00 (dry season)

Mrs. Rinaldo speaking at the opening ceremony of the school. (January, 2001)


Thank you for your wonderful welcome. We feel privileged to be here. First, let me bring greetings from my husband, Peter Rinaldo, who couldn’t be here today.  It was he who read about the Rural School Project in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology alumni magazine, and suggested that that this might interest us.  Indeed it did, so we are here today.

Now let me introduce my children. David, my eldest son and his wife Suzanne Gelber have their own consulting firm which specializes in advising corporations on health care benefits for their employees. Marjory Rinaldo-Lee, my daughter, is president of her consulting firm which works to clean up ground pollution.

Many people have been responsible for bringing this school to you–those who had the idea, who planned and constructed it.  My husband and I have been fortunate to be able to join the many who made this school possible.  Now, your teachers are Making a Difference in your lives.

This school is named for my husband’s grandmother, Rachel Trout, and my grandmother, Emma Tate.  Both were school teachers.  Rachel Trout taught all classes in a one-room school house in Canada.  Emma taught Latin and geometry in a high school in a small town in New York State in the US.  I have brought Rachel’s Diary and a small biography of Emma to you.

My family and I have all benefited from education.  Indeed, education has Made a Difference in our lives; we in turn have been able to Make a Difference, each in our own way.

This school has already Made a Difference in your lives and will continue to do so.  You, in turn will Make a Difference in this, your village. You will become aware of a wider world. Whether or not you ever physically travel to distant places, education enables you to learn about other places and other people and to see them in your mind’s eye.

Education helps in your life’s work.  Education gives you influence. Use it well to benefit your community. Use your education to teach others, so that this village can become connected to other villages and places.

Mrs. Rinaldo giving soccer balls to the school director for the student’s use. (January, 2001)

Mrs. Rinaldo and family standing in front of the school signboard. It reads “Donated in the name of Rachel Trout and Emma Tate by Peter & Dorothy Rinaldo and the Social Fund, 2001.” (January, 2001)


Visiting the school gave us a chance to see a concrete example of what our contribution (along with others who planned and constructed the school) did.  It is rare indeed to see a tangible result of one’s charitable contribution.  Generally contributions to organizations are mixed in with others, so that one knows generally that one has helped, not as specifically as this.

Mrs. Rinaldo planting a tree in the school yard during her visit. (January, 2001)

In Their Own Words. . . 

Kang Un teaches first grade at the Rachel Trout and Emma Tate School.
Polvan Dy is in sixth grade at the school.
Mr. Ouk Veng, acting director of the Rachel Trout and Emma Tate School
Pream Sareth, an 11-year-old fourth grade student at the school
Chheum Sam is a villager.
Kang Un # 79
Polvan Dy # 79
Ouk Veng # 79
Pream Sareth # 79
Chheum Sam # 79