The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Sam Rong Nippon
Foundation School
Mr. Huot Reth is a farmer and general laborer in the village by the Sam Rong Nippon Foundation School. Here he is seen next to a palm tree that he was hired to uproot as part of the ongoing project to landscape the school grounds. He is 49 years old.
On himself:
I have seven children; four of them are studying here. My wife and I are both farmers. I also take on small jobs, such as cutting down or digging up trees—like what I’m doing here. I expose the roots by digging them out, and then sawing through them with a chainsaw.
On the new building:
I am very happy with the new building. The former school was very old. When the children were studying there, one class typically had 60-70 students. It was very crowded, which made it difficult for the students to study. When this school was built, they tore the old one down and replaced it with this one. They only had to tear down one room before the whole building collapsed; that’s how old it was. The villagers around here have all supported the school with a new fence. The director joined in with the teachers and students to level the grounds here on their labor days [every Thursday].