Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

The Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School, June 2003

Number of School: 187
Name of School: The Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School
Name of Donor: Nippon Foundation
Location of School
Province: Battambang
District: Sangker
Commune: Ta Pon
Village: Svay Sar
Status: Complete
Start of construction: July 29th, 2002
End of construction: December 19th, 2002
Student body: 814
Teaching staff: 10
Number of classes: 17
Classrooms: 5 (There is also an adjacent wooden building with another 4 classrooms)
Average students per room: 48
Solar panel: Yes
Distance from Battambang: 38 km
Travel Time: Dry season: 20 min, Wet season: 20 min

Students at the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School.

The rusty ‘hub’ at the left serves as the school bell.

One of the signboards at the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School.

In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Lay Phear is the deputy director of the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School

Tao Samphas is a third grade student at the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School

Yuom Reun is a sixth grade student at the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School

Mrs. Kham Kun lives in the village where the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School is located.

Lay Phear # 187
Tao Samphas # 187
Yuom Reun # 187
Kham Kun # 187